Monday, June 1, 2009


Well, I finally have a bunch of stuff to put on here, but I will only do one a day or so. But here is the commercial I developed, directed, and edited (thanks Rachel = awesome producer, Brian = Awesome D.P. and Joe = Awesome A.P., and the actors, Jack and Seth)

Well, I wish you guys could see the HD version, but oh well. This is still rough, the dialogue hasn't been mastered yet, and I'm missing the real logo at the end but, here go ...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Constructing a Network

This economy is affecting jobs everywhere, but one of the hardest industries hit, is the construction business.  To stay alive, these businesses are relying heavily on networking. Subcontractors, who spend more time in the field, are feeling out jobs for contractors, who in return refer people to the subs for other jobs.  A community building relationships and working together will help this economy gain traction.  

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hulkie Talkies, HULKIE TALKIES!!!!

Well, it's 3:00 am, I'm still awake doing homework, and I'm retarded because I just finished a project I didn't want to spend more than a couple hours on. I ended up going a little beyond what the requirements are. BUT the reason I did, was because I was finally able to do a video on whatever I wanted (well, as long as it was a 60 second commercial). FREEDOM!! (Mostly)
No offense Brother Howard, but I very much dislike doing news packages, and this was my chance to break free a bit.
Anyway, this is my commercial on Incredible Hulk Walkie Talkies, Renee and I rescued from a clearance bin years ago. I have effectionately dubbed them, "Hulkie Talkies." I am still debating putting some "A-Team" type music behind it; I don't knowy. Anywho, Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Music; Good for the Soul and Your Career

I don't know what happened, I tried to post this a week ago, but I must not have published it. Oh well.
This is a story I did about the Music Department. I have to admit, not my best work, but the teacher I interviewed, Ryan Nielsen was awesome, and had the greatest information and view on the department. Seriously, I could do a documentary on what he had to say.
Anyway, thanks for those of you who commented. You are the best.

p.s. The latest audio newscast is up too.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I-News Promo

Another cheesy video I put together for one of my classes. This one is a promo for the school news program.
I-News Starts Now.

Friday, February 27, 2009

MP3 Players and Permanent Hearing Loss

We see them everywhere. They're like that adorable leech that you just can't bear to tear off. MP3 players. IPods have made it socially acceptable to be unsociable. Not only that, a speaker that close to your ear for long amounts of time can't be good for your hearing; and well, it isn't. An MP3 player's output ranges from about 30 decibels (dB) to 115 dB (an average rock concert. This is also bordering on a pain threshold). What’s worse than the output, is the amount of time spent listening to volumes that loud. Exposure time and permanent hearing loss is logarithmic, meaning that it is volume x time. Here is what I mean.

85 dB’s, is where permanent hearing damage begins to take form. This could be compared to very busy city traffic, or an alarm clock at 2 feet away. Exposure for 8 hours continually can produce hearing loss. But, at 90 dB’s, hearing loss begins after about 4 hours. What? But it’s only 5 to 10 dB louder? Well, for every 6 dB you turn up the volume, the output is doubled (or halved if turning down). Therefore at 95 dB it’s about 2 hours, etc. Until you get to 115 dB. At this volume, 7 to 7 ½ minutes is all it takes to do permanent hearing damage. Something else to think about is that hearing loss is cumulative, which means that any dB level over 85 that causes damage will continue to cause damage (build on the previous damage).
(I will post the results of the survey I did around campus next week when I get back to a computer that has a newer version Excel)

Anyways, here is my story.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE listening to music on my IPod. All I'm saying is we need to be cautious of the continuous amount of time spent with buds shoved in our ears.

Monday, February 23, 2009

My BYU-I Video Postcard ... From the 80s

Oh yah, this is the video postcard I had to do for one of my classes. We had to shoot 10 shots using only Linear Video Editing (no editing programs) of different pans and stuff. Well, I found some pretty sweet royalty-free music, threw my clips in, and voila. The end is pretty 80s; it rocks. It's extremely cheesy and simple, and my cinematography isn't super, but I don't know, check it out if you literally have a minute and you're super bored.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lions and Leopards and Bears

No, it's not an abused song from a 1939 film, it's the Wildlife Display here on campus.  With over 100 local and African animals, it's worth checking out.  

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Career Services Spectacular!

This is my first news package, and is about the Career Services here on campus.  I interviewed Mike Jeffs in A/V productions, and Barbara Thompson, a coordinator in Internship and Career Services, who talks about their awesome program designed to give BYU-I students an edge on application competition.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Diane Who? Check out the interview

Hello everyone; this is my interview with Diane Miller from my Communications 360 class.  She is an outdoors lovin' tree hugger from Washington State.  For more info click the video below.